Прогноз National Intelligence Council

-- самый отPRеный и даже опровергнутый :)

или опротестованный (по кр. мере)

Исходные параметры, равно как и предположения описаны туманно, поскольку "презентация" отделена от исполнения (счёта, кухни).

By all accounts, Russia's HIV/AIDS epidemic has exploded in recent years; the only dispute is over how much. Over the past 15 years, Russian medical authorities have registered a cumulative total of about 200,000 HIV-positive patients. Independent estimates, however, are much higher -- ranging from a UNAIDS figure of 700,000 carriers in 2001 to the Russian Academy of Medicine's total of one million in mid-2002, to U.S. intelligence sources' approximation of one to two million carriers today. These latter figures imply an infection rate two to three times that of the United States.


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