Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
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Mon, 28 Jan 2002
From: Ilya Vinkovetsky <>

re "Who Needs the Church?," by Boris Kagarlitsky  

I always enjoy Boris Kagarlitsky's editorials.  I agree with the general thrust of his argument in his editorial about the church ("Who Needs the Church?," JRL 6046), but it seems to me that he overstates the case when he writes that "within the Orthodox Church there is not a single faction that is critical of the status quo."  I am no expert on this subject, but even a casual observer can easily perceive that there are plenty of Orthodox priests, let alone lay people, who are for different reasons actively critical of Russia's current political and/or social status quo.  These non-conformist groups and individuals are diverse -- ranging from followers of the assassinated priest Alexander Men' and other "liberal" priests, who advocate greater ties with other religious communities, on the one hand to right-wing extremists on the other.  

Ilya Vinkovetsky
University of California, Berkeley

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