Демография России, сайт посвящён основателю Центра по изученю проблем народонаселения МГУ, проф. Валентею Д. И.

Brazil and Mozambique to build factory for AIDS drugs

MAPUTO (AFP) - A Brazilian delegation will visit Mozambique this month to complete plans to build a factory to produce HIV (news - web sites)/AIDS (news - web sites) generic drugs in the southern African state, a Mozambican cabinet minister said:
"We are expecting the Brazilian mission this month so that we can study the issue together, including working out the details of the project," Health Minister Francisco Songane told AFP.
Songane said an anti-retroviral drugs factory was necessary not only for Mozambique but also for neighbouring states where the pandemic is taking a devastating toll.

In Africa south of the Sahara, around 26.6 million people were infected with HIV at the end of 2003, out of an estimated global tally of 40 million, according to the latest UN estimates.

Around 2.3 million Africans died from AIDS during 2003, and at least three million more Africans became infected.

In a recent visit to Mozambique, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva promised Mozambicans his government would immediately start mobilising funds for the 20-million-dollar factory.

Mozambique, with a population of 17 million, has an adult HIV prevalence rate of 16 percent with 700 new infections daily.

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