Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)

HIV/AIDS: China Faces "Disaster Of Unimaginable Proportions,"

China could soon have more HIV cases than any other country in the world, according to an advance copy of a U.N. Joint Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) report obtained by Agence France-Presse today.

An "HIV/AIDS disaster of unimaginable proportions now lies in wait to rattle the country, and it can be feared that in just a couple of years, China might count more HIV infections than any other country in the world," AIDS in China:  New Millennium, Titanic Challenge reportedly reads.  "We can still prevent the worst from happening, but time is quickly running out.  Now, then, is the time to act."

Last year, China was praised for its acknowledgment of an HIV contamination scandal in blood banks and its first HIV/AIDS conference.  Now, AFP reports, UNAIDS is accusing Beijing of a lack of openness in dealing with the problem, an inadequate response and a faulty detection system that focuses mainly on prisons and hospitals while cases elsewhere go unreported.  It blames the rapid spread of the disease on low awareness, migration, poverty, prostitution, increasing sexual openness and low condom use.

"We are now witnessing the unfolding of an HIV/AIDS epidemic of proportions beyond belief, an epidemic which calls for an urgent and proper, but currently yet unanswered, major response," the agency reportedly says.  "Millions of Chinese have never heard the word AIDS.  Many more still think that it is more likely to contract HIV from mosquito bites or handshaking than through sharing needles or unsafe sex."

Despite official estimates that only 850,000 Chinese have HIV, the United Nations believes -- owing to evidence such as 80 percent HIV rates among drug users in some areas -- that more than 1 million Chinese may be carrying the virus. The United Nations is calling on civil society and affected communities to complement Beijing's response with their own prevention programs (AFP, June 6, 2002).

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