Demography of Russia (site devoted to Prof. D. I. Valentei)
mortality 2001 review

Mortality in Russia

Below is an authorized translation of B. D. comments
A View of English speaking media, 2001 (reviewed by an eye of a Russian demographer, 2002)
The source of the materials for this review is the weekly journal of Center of the Defense Information (The CDI Russia Weekly) which is a unique daily repository of useful information and analysis dispatching news and analytical materials about various aspects of life in modern Russia, political, economic, social, military, etc. The project is financed by The Carnegie Corporation of New York and The MacArthur Foundation. The web site of this "weekly journal" is placed in Washington on the CDI servers. CDI is not for profit research and educational organization. To subscribe for a weekly journal address immediately to Mr. D. Johnson.

The genres of the disseminated texts are rather various, mainly they are newspaper articles, but there are also analytical reports, reviews of scientific publications, readers' letters. The volume of processed and delivered to subscribers information is huge indeed. Mr. D. Johnson does a great job. I have selected those, documents, which have entries of either "mortality" or "life expectancy". 

in this review :
Intro Mortality growth Causes of death vs reasons to live
AIDS/HIV Alcohol Economic crisis
Collapse of public health Tank thinking Newly designed bicycle
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