Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
personalia статистика факты мнения смертность смертность 2001 (обзор)
strana.ru January 8, 2002

Cleaner Russia Wins New Priority in Brussels

Green concerns drive joint push to beat pollution

By Michael Stedman
Environmental experts from the Russian government and the European Commission are drawing up the agenda for common action to tackle energy waste, water and air pollution, and damage to nature.

They meet in coming weeks at the start of a process to develop "a closer and more coordinated bilateral dialogue" which recognizes the key importance Russia has in the drive for sustainable development and the preservation of global natural resources.

The program is being assembled within the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the European Union (EU) and Russia, and reflects commitments to environmental initiatives undertaken at summits between Russian and EU leaders. It will drive forward environmental and nuclear safety assistance, which has directed 350 million Euros ($312 million) to Russia since 1991.

Pushing the idea further is also the consequence of European Union enlargement eastward and the gathering pace of economic transformation of Russia and Central and Eastern Europe. Pollution of the Baltic, Barents, Caspian and Black seas will be an important focus, the planners foresee.

A Brussels information paper said the move noted "Russia's tremendous importance to Europe's environment and the sustainable development of the planet," stressing "the key importance of the interdependence of environmental, economic and social objectives."

Russia was custodian of more than 20 per cent of global water resources and forests, the document said, with vast areas of pristine nature virtually undisturbed by man. But it also had "severe environmental and related health problems in urban and industrial centers," the note continued.

"Diseases and poisoning from heavy metals and other toxic materials are a significant factor in the decline of life expectancy, which for males is now only 58 years. A close partnership between the EU and Russia is a vital interest for both sides and for global environmental security," the authors said.

The program targets more efficient use of energy, and action to combat climate change. More efficient generation, distribution and use of energy resources are seen as central to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promised major economic benefits. The potential for energy savings in Russia each year is almost as great as its annual production of natural gas, Brussels officials calculate.

Measures to improve public health will receive priority by addressing the condition of the water supply system, critical in many parts of Russia, experts say, and requiring urgent repairs to one third of all water pipes, according to Russian government estimates.

Steps to improve resource efficiency will take in the management of spent fuel from nuclear power stations and nuclear-powered submarines, and radioactive waste, the planners say.


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