Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
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Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003;57:161 © 2003 BMJ Publishing Group


John R Ashton, Joint Editors and Carlos Alvarez-Dardet, Joint Editors
In this issue we carry a Glossary of public health history that may prove controversial; debate is welcome. Speaker’s Corner addresses the challenge of providing a systematic evidence base to tackle inequalities in health, something that becomes evermore pressing as the limitations of biomedical evaluation become apparent. This is reinforced by a rare contribution on social inequalities in health in the United States from Harvard. An optimistic note on public health aspects of housing provision for the homeless from Glasgow reminds us of how recently the concept of the "undeserving poor" has maintained its currency.

On the environmental front, a meta-analysis of studies on individualconsumption of chlorinated drinking water and bladder cancerfinds a moderately high relative risk, but suggests that theattributable risk could be important. 

Healthy schools goes from strength to strength around the world,this time a report from Hong Kong in our Policy and Practicesection, together with a report from Finland on the equity aspectsof an increased supply of coronary operations. 

In Theory and Methods, we explore life table methods for quantitativeimpact assessment in chronic mortality, and report the use ofa capture-recapture approach to estimate the lesbian populationin Pennsylvania (about 2%). 

Research findings this month describe the characteristics of neighbourhoods and people on cause specific mortality in a Finnish register, and look at the long term aspects of fruit, vegetables and antioxidants on the risk of adult cancer in the Boyd Orr cohort of 1937 to 1939 concluding that childhood fruit consumption may have a long term protective effect on cancer risk in adults. A report on early and late growth dynamics in adolescence suggests that catch up growth is associated with increased blood pressure; this from Brazil. 

An important letter on directly observed therapy (DOT) for TB patients underlines the important point that one size does not fit all. Book Reviews touch on the evidence debate, on spatial epidemiology, and on the relation between physical activity and psychological wellbeing. 

Related articles in J Epidemiol Community Health:

Public health history
V Berridge and K Loughlin 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 164-165.
Tackling inequalities in health: the need for building a systematic evidence base
J P Mackenbach 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 162.
Choosing area based socioeconomic measures to monitor social inequalities in low birth weight and childhood lead poisoning: The Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project (US)
N Krieger, J T Chen, P D Waterman, M-J Soobader, S V Subramanian, and R Carson 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 186-199.
Room for one homeless person
D S Morrison 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 163.
Meta-analysis of studies on individual consumption of chlorinated drinking water and bladder cancer
C M Villanueva, F Fern?ndez, N Malats, J O Grimalt, and M Kogevinas 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 166-173.
A comprehensive "Healthy Schools Programme" to promote school health: the Hong Kong experience in joining the efforts of health and education sectors
A Lee, C Tsang, S H Lee, and C Y To 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 174-177.
How did the recent increase in the supply of coronary operations in Finland affect socioeconomic and gender equity in their use?
T Hetemaa, I Keskim?ki, K Manderbacka, A H Leyland, and S Koskinen 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 178-185.
Life table methods for quantitative impact assessments in chronic mortality
B G Miller and J F Hurley 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 200-206.
Estimating the lesbian population: a capture-recapture approach
D J Aaron, Y-F Chang, N Markovic, and R E LaPorte 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 207-209.
Effects of the characteristics of neighbourhoods and the characteristics of people on cause specific mortality: a register based follow up study of 252 000 men
P Martikainen, T M Kauppinen, and T Valkonen 
J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 210-217. 
Fruit, vegetables, and antioxidants in childhood and risk of adult cancer: the Boyd Orr cohort
M Maynard, D Gunnell, P Emmett, S Frankel, and G Davey Smith 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 218-225.
Early and late growth and blood pressure in adolescence
B L Horta, F C Barros, C G Victora, and T J Cole 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 226-230. 
DOT for all patients with smear-positive pulmonary TB in London?
R D Barker, J Glyn-Jones, and G Bothamley 
J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 231. 
Where’s the evidence? Debates in modern medicine: W A Silverman. (Pp 259; ?18.95). Oxford University Press, 1999, reprinted 2000 (paperback). ISBN 0-926-3088-1.
Paramjit S Gill 

J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 57: 232.

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