Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)

Assessment of Private Sector Prospects for Reproductive Health and Family Planning Products and Services in Ukraine

By Francoise Armand, Barbara O'Hanlon, Carlos Cuellar
Contributed By PSP-One
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The USAID/Ukraine mission requested technical assistance from the private sector program core task order (Private Sector Partnerships-One project [PSP-One]) in assessing the ability of the private sector to ensure sustained contraceptive supply in Ukraine. In particular, the PSP-One team was expected to address the current and estimated future availability, affordability, and accessibility of contraceptives in the private sector. This report presents the team’s findings, provides recommendations for activities and policies that can increase private sector engagement in the contraceptive field, identifies specific population groups not likely to be adequately served by the private sector, and suggests strategies to meet their needs while avoiding negative impact on the growing contraceptive market.

Document Details

Type of Document  = Country Assessment
Countries  = Ukraine
Topic(s)  = Policy, Reproductive Health/Family Planning Services and Products, Contraceptive Security, Private Sector
Format  = Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
File Size  = 368 KB
Number of Pages  = 33

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