Прогнозирование эпидемии ВИЧ:

Что мне известно:

Виноградов, Покровский, Руль

World Bank, 2002

Imperial College

Grassly N. C., Lowndes C. M., Rhodes T., Judd A., Renton A., Garnett G. P. Modelling emerging HIV epidemics: the role of injecting drug use and sexual transmission in the Rissian Federation, China and India. International Journal of Drug Policy, 14 (2003), 25-43

National Intelligence Council

N. Eberstadt. The Future of AIDS: Grim Toll in Russia, China, and India. Foreign Affairs, vol. 81, No. 6.

S. A. Grisin, C. A. Wallander. Russia’s HIV/AIDS Crisis (Confronting the Present and Facing the Future). Center for Strategic and International Studies, Sept. 2002

Наш прогноз

Проблемы прогнозирования, 2005, № 3

Прогноз МОТ

С. Мисихина, Д. Помазкин Демография ВИЧ, 2005




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