Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
Reuters Health Information

Eastern European HIV Epidemic 'Virtually Unchecked'

Reuters Health
Wednesday, September 18, 2002

GENEVA (Reuters) - The HIV/AIDS epidemic has exploded in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), posing the greatest health threat to youth in the region, the United Nations said on Wednesday.

In a report, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned that HIV/AIDS was spreading "virtually unchecked" into the wider population through heterosexual contact with injection drug users.

Russia and Ukraine account for nine-tenths of the estimated one million HIV/AIDS cases in the 27 transition countries, according to UNICEF's Social Monitor 2002. The figure, through 2001, compares with 700,000 one year earlier and 420,000 in 1998.

"HIV is spreading at a faster rate in some countries in the region than in any other part of the world," UNICEF said.

"The HIV epidemic is the biggest threat to young people's health in the region. There is also little evidence that public interventions to halt the spread of HIV in the hardest hit countries have been sufficiently effective," according to the report.

Estonia has the region's highest rate of new HIV infections, with more than one in every 1,000 people infected in 2001--almost 20 times the average rate in the European Union, according to the report produced by UNICEF's Innocenti Research Centre in Florence, Italy.

In the CIS countries, a quarter of all officially registered infections between 1997 and 2000 were among women, suggesting increasing heterosexual transmission, it said.

But awareness of the need to use condoms to prevent transmission remains poor in the region, in which the number of sex workers and injection drug users is growing, it noted.

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Моя маленькая имха ;)
Материал Рейтерс  бессовестно врёт: нигде в мире, пожалуй, нет такого тщательного ВИЧ скрининга как в РФ (см. ниже по линькам), Сыр бор, как кажется, разгорелся из-за отказа РФ принять ВИЧ-связанный кредит Мирового банка, который позволил бы международному медицинскому сообществу безбедно и неплохо жить за наш с вами счёт. Не зря США время от времени выходят из ООН и подобных организаций.
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