Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
personalia статистика факты мнения смертность смертность 2001 (обзор)


ST. PETERSBURG, June 21. /Dina Danilova, RIA Novosti correspondent/. There is no demographic catastrophe in Russia, Russian Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko claimed at a press briefing on the sidelines of the Ministry board's St. Petersburg session with an agenda entitled "The Mother and Infant Mortality Rate in the Russian Federation: the State and Forecast." Yuri Shevchenko did admit the country is facing serious demographic problems, though. However, he put them down to wars and other tragic events rather than to economic challenges - such as the population's progressive impoverishment over the economic reform of the 1990s, low living standards, or the deteriorating environment.

Yuri Shevchenko went on to hail last year's half-hearted take-off of the birth rate as "a sign of stabilization" in the country.

According to Health Ministry's statistics, in 2000, 44698 more children were born in the Russian Federation than the previous year, thus reversing the down demographic trend of the past few years. The birth rate effectively grew from 8.3 to 8.7 per 1000 people. However, the nation is still leading in terms of mortality rate.


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