Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
personalia статистика факты мнения смертность смертность 2001 (обзор)
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001
From: Prof. M. Ellman

Subject: The Russian economy under El'tsin


An article by Michael Ellman entitled 'The Russian economy under El'tsin' was published in Europe-Asia Studies for December (vol 52 no.8). The conclusion is as follows:

During the El'tsin period Russia experienced major economic changes. The initial hopes of Russian reformers and their international backers were not realised. The Russian economic system did not change into a civilized market economy. Instead, it mutated into a 'market economy with Russian characteristics'. Important aspects of this system were kleptocracy, criminalisation, subsistence agriculture, non-payment and barter, and reciprocity. Nor did Russia achieve substantial and sutained economic growth.Instead it experienced a deep depression, followed by an upswing in the last El'tsin year caused partly by a currency depreciation which initially led to a further sharp fall in the real incomes of the population. As a result of the depression, the eternal problem of Russia's economic backwardness has intensified. There were also important social changes, many of them adverse. Some existing social problems, such as high mortality and alcoholism, worsened. There was an increase in poverty and inequality. There was a decline in the provision of public goods such as order and education. The morbidity, smoking and narcotics situations worsened. Entirely new social problems emerged, such as child malnutrition, unwanted unpaid (or partially paid) leave, delayed wage (and pension and unemployment benefit) payments, and unemployment. Not all the economic and social changes, however, were for the worse. Not only did the availability and variety of consumer goods and services greatly improve, but there was also a significant demilitarisation process, the geographical location of the population became more economically rational, and there was a significant growth in the de novo private sector (though this remained modest).


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