Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
personalia статистика факты мнения смертность смертность 2001 (обзор)
from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia
ISWoR web-site
Urgent - please distribute this protest letter widely 


* Support Russian Unions Day of Action against the new Labor Code on 19th June! 
* Sign the petition below and join the international protest now! 

In the years before the Soviet Union collapsed, its peoples were informed that in a market economy, everyone is rich, free and happy. Today the market is king, and they are fast achieving a Third-World lifestyle. The collapse of half of Russia's industry has caused mass unemployment with no welfare net. 

Meanwhile those who work face poverty-wages or non-payment, payment in kind (eg; coffins, condoms, or manure), horrific safety conditions and job insecurity. Many Russians feed their families from what they can grow in a back plot. TB and other diseases of poverty, prostitution, enslavement of women in the sex trade, drug abuse, alcoholism and crime have become epidemic. The import of toxic nuclear waste is a growth industry. Today the average male life expectancy is just 56. 

And now the IMF and World Bank, in collaboration with the Russian authorities, demand a "modernised" Labor Code that will impose: a 12 hour working day; arbitrary firing at the whim of the boss who can choose which union represents "his" workers; child labour; night shifts for pregnant women .... and a general drawing back of labour rights to Dickensian times. 

Independent unions across Russia will collectively protest on June 19, 2001 against Putin's new Labor Code. The unions associated with the campaign include: Defence of Labour (Zaschita); Russian Union of Dockers; Sotsprof; Union of Locomotive Brigades of Railwaymen; Federation of Trade Unions of Aviation Dispatchers of Russia; Union of Workers of Civil Aircraft Engineering Service of Russia; Pilots Union; Union of Airworkers of Radar-location, Radionavigation and Communications of Russia; All-Russian Union of Workers of Public Health Services, Education, Culture, Municipal Transportation, Power, Central government and Municipal Organisations, Service Sectors; Inter-regional Association of Trade Unions "Solidarity" ; Russian Union of Workers of Civil Mechanical Engineering, the Defence industry, Metallurgy and Metal Working; Seamens Union of Russia; Siberian Confederation of Labor, and others. 

The driving force of this broad committee are a new generation of activists. Unlike the old bureaucrats of the neo-stalinist parties and the bosses' unions who collaborate with Putin, the young activists are internationalists who oppose the Chechen war and have spoken out against racism and bigotry. They back the pro-workers' Code, the Shein Code, which forbids sacking of workers without the permission of the union, provides for a five-fold raise for low-paid workers, and even calls for the unions to be given control over production and financial decisions of the enterprise, such as how much the boss will be paid! 

Of course the battle will not end there. But the real gains already won by this young movement in delaying the passage of the code, in organising numerous militant strikes and highway blockades in defence of workers rights in Astrakhan, Yasnogorsk and other regions, remain as a beacon of hope. If bosses can turn the clock back against workers in Russia they can turn it back on us all! Give your support and solidarity now. 


SIGN the international protest letter below. 
JOIN ISWoR and get involved in our practical solidarity work. SUBSCRIBE to our free internet "Russia Info-List" . Apply to ISWoR@aol.com DONATE to "ISWoR" and support our important work. Address for cheques to "ISWoR": 
ISWoR, 46 Denmark Hill, London SE5 8RZ ENGLAND 

MORE INFO? Visit our website: 
http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html or e-mail us at ISWoR@aol.com 
Also see Zaschita union website: http://www.labordefense.org 

Note: Besides an e-mail petition, there is a printed version now being distributed at workers and other events in many countries up to 19th June. Please contact us immediately if you can help distribute this. 

All signatures to the petition below from many countries around the world, in both the e-mail and printed forms, will be combined and handed in to the Russian Embassy in London by an ISWoR delegation on 19th June, as well as passed to the Russian campaigners. The full international list of signatories will appear on our website. You may also wish to write your own protest 

Dear President Putin, 

The new Labor Code proposed by your government destroys job security, renders unions powerless, and returns labour rights to nineteenth century levels. The new provisions governing the labour of children and pregnant women, the 12 hour day, etc, indicate that your government is prepared to drastically worsen the situation of millions of working people already suffering severe misery. 

Be aware that there is mass international support for the protest actions that will be organised, on 19 June 2001, by the committee of unified action in support of the independent Trade Union version of the Labor Code, introduced in the Duma by deputy O. Shein. 

Now send e-mail copies to the following three addresses: 


This e-mail has already been (or is being) translated to various languages. If you can help with any language, or require the text in any language, please contact ISWoR@aol.com immediately. 

puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources. If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact: ISWoR@aol.com Box R, 46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England 


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