
Millions infertile in Russia, say doctors

Moscow, 16 March: More than 5m Russian women and 4m Russian men are infertile, according to figures cited at a meeting today between State Duma security committee chairman Aleksandr Gurov and specialists at Moscow's centre for obstetrics and gynaecology. [Бесплодие -- проблема нац.безопасности, если б ещё цифирь была недутой]

Russia's birth rate continues to fall, caused mainly by infertility and miscarriages, doctors say. Some 1.23m infants are born in Russia every year, while the figure should be 750,000 higher if the population is to reproduce.

Over 2m abortions are registered annually in Russia, with ten per cent of women left sterile by the operation. [если б такая доля оставалась стерильной после операции, рожать было бы некому -- послеоперационная стерильность 100%]

Twelve specialized federal centres treat female sterility but not many can afford their services, as in vitro fertilization costs 5,000 dollars. [видимо хотят эти бабки получать через бюджет ?]

Almost all women suffering miscarriages could be helped, but medical equipment in Russia is scarce.

Up to 12,000 infants of low birth weight are born in Russia annually. Caring for them costs between 300 and 400 dollars a day.

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