Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
мужская консультация

Size of Risk Groups and HIV Prevalence

The population groups exposed to a greatest risk of HIV infection are: injecting drug users, commercial sex workers and their clients, men having sex with men, including bisexuals, sex partners of drug users, jail inmates, military servants and law-enforcement agencies’ officers, long-distance trailer drivers, workers who stay out of home for a long time to do jobs, and children whose parents belong to these risk groups. These groups are not only at a greater risk of being infected but also carries HIV to the rest of the country’s population. 

In Russia, like in other countries, there are only fragmentary data available on the size of the main risk groups. Of the communities mentioned above, some information has been collected only about IDUs. The MSM community is self organizing, establishing various kinds of clubs, associations, etc. There are only casual Interior Ministry police officers’ estimates of the CSW, the group remaines statistically unobserved. Less latent groups, for example, military servicemen, however strange it might be, has been studied little in terms of the HIV epidemic.

Demographic Impact of HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Russian Federation

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