Демография России (сайт посвящён проф. Д. И. Валентею)
мужская консультация

Obstacles to HIV expansion

The age composition of Russia’s population can have a significant effect on the epidemic dynamics. The shape of age-gender pyramid reflects a series of demographic catastrophes in the XXth century which will be persistent in the future. As a result, the size of age groups periodically changes in a wavelike manner, passing through the periods of growth and decrease. For the future of HIV epidemic most important are the sizes of those age groups where the epidemic has been progressing. 

Fig.4 Dynamics of Changes in Men’s Age Composition in Russia

    Fig. 5. Annual Births in Russia

    Figure 4 shows that the size of the age group of 15-year-olds reached a peak in 2002, thus reflecting a highest number of children born in 1987 (Figure 5), and the sizes of all younger cohorts will be smaller. Quite the contrary, virtually each cohort that reached the age of 15 prior to the given year was bigger than the preceding one, starting with the smallest cohort born in 1968 («an echo of the war»). Taking into account that virtually all risk groups, especially IDUs, have an obvious concentration at a young age, it may be argued that the number of people who are most likely to fall into risk groups will cease to grow before long, that is, an absolute decrease in the size of the risk groups should be expected. In other words, the present-day situation radically differs from that of 1987 when the first ever case of HIV infection was registered in our country. 

    At the present time, the size of the age group 20-30 (the main source to the epidemic) is 21 million, its size will grow slightly by 2010, and will go down, according to the suggested scenario, to 13 million by 2025 (Figure 6), thus, undoubtedly, producing, an impeding effect on the epidemic in the time to come. 
    Fig. 6. Changes of Age Group of 20-29 Year, 2002-2025, (Scenario D), mln

Demographic Impact of HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Russian Federation

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